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Combustion powerboats

Karl-Friedrich Kaupert
pubblicato da vth - Verlag neue Medien GmbH

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Powerboats with internal combustion engines inspire with their elegant and powerful appearance, genuine engine sound, fascinating drive technology and outstanding performance.

Gasoline or glow ignition, 2- or 4-stroke, single- or multi-cylinder engine, monohull, catamaran or hydroplane, strut drive or sterndrive - these and even more options are available for powerboats with internal combustion engines and must be considered before buying such a model. The author, an experienced RC powerboater and initiator of an Internet forum on the subject, knows the most pressing questions of beginners and the solutions and tips of the experts.

Illustrated with over 250 pictures and sketches, the book first presents the characteristics of the different hull types, motorizations and drives and provides important decision-making aids for selecting these components. It then describes step by step the construction of a tried-and-tested powerboat model with an internal combustion engine. A separate chapter is devoted to the aspect of operational safety, which is particularly important for such powerful models. Many practical tips support the beginner during the first trips, and a checklist can be used to identify and subsequently eliminate undesirable driving conditions. The practical knowledge imparted in this book enables even the beginner to tune his powerboat optimally and enjoy the full performance of the model.

Get started and discover this varied and certainly most exciting way of prototypical ship model building!

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Generi Hobby e Tempo libero » Giochi » Modellismo

Editore Vth - Verlag Neue Medien Gmbh

Formato Ebook con Adobe DRM

Pubblicato 05/07/2023

Lingua Inglese

EAN-13 1230006608125

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Combustion powerboats

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