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Confessions of an Alleged Good Girl

Joya Goffney
pubblicato da HarperCollins

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Joya Goffney, author of the acclaimed Excuse Me While I Ugly Cry, delivers a powerful second novel about a preacher's daughter in small-town Texas and her journey toward loving herself and her body, filled with heart, humor, family drama, and a dynamic love triangle. Perfect for fans of Not So Pure and Simple by Lamar Giles and Calling My Name by Liara Tamani!

"Powerful, boundary pushing, and charmingly funny." Camryn Garrett, author of Full Disclosure and Off the Record

"Deeply empowering, sweet yet candid. A fearless story about the path to self acceptance." Jenni Hendriks and Ted Caplan, authors of Unpregnant and Save Steve

"A heartfelt, funny, and irresistible readsmart, sex-positive, and positively terrific." Kirkus (starred review)

"A compassionate novel that encourages teens to prioritize the control, safety, and comfort of their own bodies." Publishers Weekly (starred review)

Monique is a preacher's daughter who detests the impossible rules of her religion. Everyone expects her to wait until marriage, so she has no one to turn to when she discovers that she physically can't have sex.

After two years of trying and failing, her boyfriend breaks up with her. To win him back, Monique teams up with straight-laced church girl Sashawho is surprisingly knowledgeable about Monique's conditionas well as Reggie, the misunderstood bad boy who always makes a ruckus at church, and together they embark upon a top-secret search for the cure.

While on their quest, Monique discovers the value of a true friend and the wonders of a love that accepts her for who she is. Despite everyone's opinions about her virtue, she learns to live for herself, inspiring us all to reclaim our bodies and unapologetically love ourselves.

YALSA Best Fiction for Young Adults 2022 List Nominee

"A triumph in not just dynamite contemporary fiction but also in critiquing purity culture and the harm it can do." Buzzfeed

"[Monique's] journey toward recognizing her own value is hard-won, and her awareness of her own worth, when it comes, feels like a true victory. An empowering read." Booklist

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Editore Harpercollins

Formato Ebook con Adobe DRM

Pubblicato 03/05/2022

Lingua Inglese

EAN-13 9780063024861

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Confessions of an Alleged Good Girl

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