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Confessions of an Alleged Good Girl - Joya Goffney
Confessions of an Alleged Good Girl - Joya Goffney

Audiolibro Confessions of an Alleged Good Girl

Joya Goffney
pubblicato da Bonnier Books UK

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The hotly anticipated second book from Joya Goffney, author of the 2021 YA romcom Excuse Me While I Ugly Cry.

Monique lives a perfect life - a preacher's daughter and the girlfriend of the town's golden boy. But it's not that simple. She's torn between her parents who want the pure virginal daughter, and her boyfriend, Dom, who wants to explore the more intimate side of their relationship.

Tired of waiting, her boyfriend breaks up with her, spurring Monique to discover she has a medical condition that makes her far from perfect and she concocts a plan to fix her body and win him back.

With the help of her frenemy, Sasha, the overly zealous church girl Monique's mum pushes her to hang out with, and Reggie, the town's bad boy, Monique must go on trips to unknown and uncomfortable places to find the treatment that will help her. But in doing so, she must face some home truths: maybe she shouldn't be fixing her body to please a boy, maybe Sasha is the friend she needed all along and maybe Reggie isn't so bad at all.

This is a powerful story about the journey towards loving yourself, told with heart, humour and a delicious love triangle.

Contains explicit references to sex and sexual health.

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Generi Bambini e Ragazzi » Narrativa » Narrativa » Rosa » Temi personali e sociali » Famiglia, fratelli e relazioni » Sessualità » Educativi » Religione , Famiglia Scuola e Università » Libri Scuola

Editore Bonnier Books Uk

Formato Audiolibro

Durata 09:46.41

Pubblicato 03/05/2022

Lingua Inglese

EAN-13 9781471412240

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Confessions of an Alleged Good Girl

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