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Constructing Buildings for Model Railways

David Ashwood
pubblicato da Pen and Sword

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An illustrated demonstration of the construction process for different buildings to enhance your model railroad display.

At some time during ownership a train set crosses an arbitrary threshold and becomes a model railway. The aspiring modeler then has the challenge of filling in all the gaps. Whether the line runs through the countryside, a village or town, some type of infrastructure is needed to represent the station, home, or factory. This can be a challenge to the modeler as there are a wide variety of offerings at differing price points and detail levels. This book progresses through planning and thought processes aiming to demonstrate pictorially several different build types. From the simple paper kit to mighty scratch-built edifices, each is broken down to show how the build is undertaken. This book also follows some of the rebuilding process undertaken by the Market Deeping Model Railway Club as layouts were repaired, enhanced, or replaced following their annual show being vandalized on the night before public opening in May 2019. As the news of this sad event broke, it went worldwide through the modeling community and public in general. The images of layouts broken to matchwood showed many years of skilled building and devoted operation which were lost. This gave the opportunity for experienced club members to build a mini movie set, construct a major London terminus and patch repair what could be saved from damaged originals. The photographic capture of these projects has been used within this book alongside the detailed work of other modelers, clubs, and societies.

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Editore Pen And Sword

Formato Ebook con Adobe DRM

Pubblicato 12/10/2023

Lingua Inglese

EAN-13 9781399094931

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Constructing Buildings for Model Railways

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