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"Cook School is a practical and inspiring cookery book for young children. Parents will be thrilled by the skills their children will develop." Marguerite Patten, CBE Children's reading books, toys and games are often targeted at specific age groups, and this new book by 'one of the country's leading children's food educators', Amanda Grant teaches core cooking skills designed for children aged 3-5 years, 5-7 years and 7-10 years. Each skill is presented at the stage when a child's development, self-confidence and independence are ready. With plenty of step-by-step photographs for children to follow and easy, tasty and fun recipes that they will love to learn, this is an invaluable book for parents to help teach their kids practical kitchen skills that will remain useful throughout life. As well as explaining hygiene and kitchen safety, there are more than 50 recipes specially suited to particular age groups. Amanda Grant is a food writer, broadcaster and mother of three young children. She has written many books, mostly specializing in children's food and nutrition including Healthy Lunchboxes for Kids and Grow It, Cook It with Kids, both published by Ryland Peters & Small. She adapted and wrote the recipes for The Silver Spoon for Children (published by Phaidon). She is the food expert for Sainsbury's Little Ones magazine and writes for several other publications. Amanda is on the committee for the first ever dedicated Children's Food Festival and travels the country teaching children about good food and nutrition. Her television credits include her own series Power Food and BBC2's Food and Drink. To keep up to date with Amanda's news, take a look at

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Generi Gastronomia » Cucina dal mondo

Editore Ryland Peters & Small

Formato Ebook con Adobe DRM

Pubblicato 21/02/2014

Lingua Inglese

EAN-13 9781849753166

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Cook School

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