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Corridors of the Night (William Monk Mystery, Book 21)

Anne Perry
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When their own lives are at risk, some people will do anything to survive...

Corridors of the Night is the twenty-first exceptional historical thriller featuring William and Hester Monk, from the Queen of Victorian crime Anne Perry. Perfect for fans of C. J. Sansom and Sarah Perry.
'Pulls no punches and depicts Victorian London in all its corrupt glory' - Bookreporter

One night, in a corridor of the Royal Naval Hospital, Greenwich, Nurse Hester Monk is approached by a terrified girl. She's from a hidden ward of children, all subject to frequent blood-letting, and her brother is dying.

While William Monk's River Police fight to keep London safe from gun-runners, Hester takes on a new role at the hospital, helping to administer a secretive new treatment. But she slowly realises that this experimental cure is putting the lives of the children at risk. Attempting to protect the young victims, she comes under threat from one rich, powerful, and very ill man who is desperate to survive...

What readers are saying about Corridors of the Night:

'I truly could not put this book down. The suspense had me in the edge of my seat and the subject matter had me hooked!'

'A riveting mystery wrapped up in the dark and seamy side of Victorian London'

'Anne Perry is the best Victorian crime [writer] I have ever read'

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Editore Headline

Formato Ebook con Adobe DRM

Pubblicato 23/04/2015

Lingua Inglese

EAN-13 9781472219497

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Corridors of the Night (William Monk Mystery, Book 21)

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