In A Couple After Gods Own Heart Interactive Workbook, Jim and Elizabeth George build on the content of their book, A Couple After God's Own Heart, to create a companion guide that leads husbands and wives through a fascinating study on Gods plan for marriage. Through a unique blend of Bible study material, questions for thought, and What Can I Do Today? applications, couples will grow a closer and deeper union as they... learn from the successes and failures of key couples in the Bible; discover the essentials to a better marriage; participate in discussions designed to stimulate communication with each other; set and apply goals that help husbands and wives be all God designed them to be; and determine how to make the best of the strengths and weaknesses in their relationship. This friendly and practical study offers life lessons from a variety of well-known couples in Scripture, and will equip spouses to experience more and more of the incredible bliss only God can bring into a marriage.