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Crime Rib

Leslie Budewitz
pubblicato da Penguin Publishing Group

Prezzo online:
-9 %

Gourmet food market owner Erin Murphy is determined to get her small Montana town's scrumptious local fare some national attention. But her scheme for culinary celebrity goes up in flames when Jewel Bay's big break is interrupted by murder in the second Food Lovers' Village mystery...

Food Preneurs, one of the hottest cooking shows on TV, has decided to feature Jewel Bay, Montana in an upcoming episode, and everyone in town is preparing for their close-ups, including the crew at the Glacier Mercantile, aka the Merc. Not only is Erin busy remodeling her courtyard into a relaxing dining area, she's organizing a steak-cooking competition between three of Jewel Bay's hottest chefs to be featured on the program.

But Erin's plans get scorched when one of the contending cooks is found dead. With all the drama going on behind the scenes, it's hard to figure out who didn't have a motive to off the saucy contestant. Now, to keep the town's reputation from crashing and burning on national television, Erin will have to grill some suspects to smoke out the killer...


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Generi Romanzi e Letterature » Gialli, mistery e noir

Editore Penguin Publishing Group

Formato Ebook con Adobe DRM

Pubblicato 01/07/2014

Lingua Inglese

EAN-13 9780698143142

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Crime Rib

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