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Cyber Hacking - Scientific American
Cyber Hacking - Scientific American

Audiolibro Cyber Hacking

Scientific American
pubblicato da Blackstone Publishing

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Cyberspace has certainly transformed the world. From media and communications to banking, an increasing number of daily activities is performed online. We are living digital lifestyles. While this transformation has opened up exciting new frontiers, it also opens the door to security threats undreamed of in previous generations.

In Cyber Hacking: Wars in Virtual Space, we peer behind the cyber curtain. First, we look at the hackerswho they are, how they work, their motivations, and methods. The opening article examines hardwarespecifically microprocessors and why they are vulnerable to tampering. Then we turn to the internal attacks, the worms and viruses whose resulting damage ranges from merely inconvenient and attention-getting to expensive and dangerous. Next, we take a broad look at issues of privacy and the technology used to gather and track personal information. With so much personal information volunteered on social networking and other sites, how much privacy can people expect? Most of us leave a trail of data wherever we go. On a positive note, we end by covering innovative technologies used to secure cyber networks and safeguard information.

The race between the hackers and information security professionals continues.

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Generi Informatica e Web » Digital Life » Internet e servizi online

Editore Blackstone Publishing

Formato Audiolibro

Durata 04:51.00

Pubblicato 13/10/2020

Lingua Inglese

EAN-13 9781094075464

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Cyber Hacking

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