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Cyclopedia Exotica

Aminder Dhaliwal
pubblicato da Drawn & Quarterly

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Following the critical and popular success of Woman Worldthe hit Instagram comic which appeared on 25 best of listsAminder Dhaliwal returns with Cyclopedia Exotica. Also serialized on instagram to her 250,000 followers, this graphic novel showcases Dhaliwal's quick wit and astute socio-cultural criticism. In Cyclopedia Exotica, doctor's office waiting rooms, commercials, dog parks, and dating app screenshots capture the experiences and interior lives of the cyclops community; a largely immigrant population displaying physical differences from the majority. Whether they're artists, parents, or yoga students, the cyclops have it tough: they face microaggressions and overt xenophobia on a daily basis. However, they are bent on finding love, cultivating community, and navigating life alongside the two-eyed majority with patience and the occasional bout of rage. Through this parallel universe, Dhaliwal comments on race, difference, beauty, and belonging, touching on all of these issues with her distinctive deadpan humour steeped in millennial references. Cyclopedia Exotica is a triumph of hilarious candor.

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Generi Fumetti » Storia, Attualità e Letteratura a fumetti

Editore Drawn & Quarterly

Formato Ebook con Adobe DRM

Pubblicato 11/11/2021

Lingua Inglese

EAN-13 9781770465374

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Cyclopedia Exotica

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