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Dandelion - Will Doughty - Alex Bledsoe
Dandelion - Will Doughty - Alex Bledsoe

Audiolibro Dandelion

Will Doughty - Alex Bledsoe
pubblicato da Blackstone Publishing

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Reverend Deacon Elder does the Lord's work in his own unique way. A former marine with the ability to detect and cast out demons, Deke goes where the needand the evilis greatest.

After receiving a terrifying warning of a botched exorcism, Deke shows up in Somerton, Tennessee, ready for battle. The demon possessing sixteen-year-old Carlyss Bolerjack had only partially been driven out, and Deke must convince a traumatized Carlyss to submit to a second exorcism.

But there's more than one demon in Somerton. A powerful evil going by the name "Dandelion" has sunk its claws into Linda Scote, the local mean girl who was more than willing to invite the demon in.

As Deke tries to save both women, he's opposed by both a bogus tent-revival evangelist and Linda's slacker cousin, who may harbor his own demon. He's helped by Carlyss's social worker, who draws the line at believing in true evil, and another minister who's seen demons up close. But what part is played by the giant twenty-four-hour TLC-Mart outside of town, which hides its own sinister secret behind bright lights and insipid jingles?

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Generi Romanzi e letteratura » Fantasy » Horror , Fantasy Horror e Gothic » horror e Dark Romance

Editore Blackstone Publishing

Formato Audiolibro

Durata 09:01.00

Pubblicato 01/10/2022

Lingua Inglese

EAN-13 9798200889396

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