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Dido Twite, with the help of some sacred shaman healers, must foil a sinister plot to overthrow the king of a remote South Sea island healers

Sailing the high seas in pursuit of Lord Herodsfoot, roving ambassador to the ageing King James III, Dido Twite's search has led her to the remote South Sea island of Aratu. She arrives with a new friend she made en route, the enigmatic Dr. Talisman, who is returning to the isle after many years. Soon they discover that there's something even more dangerous in the ancient rain forest than its poisonous pearl snakes, sting monkeys, and 30-foot-long crocodiles. Dido and Talisman are confronted by the Angrian invaders, who drove the Dilendi natives from their home 400 years earlier. Luckily, Dido befriends the gentle Forest People, who can heal with their magical touch.

When she learns about a plot to overthrow the island's suffering king, Dido enlists the Forest People to help her thwart the scheme, save the monarch, and reunite him with his long-lost daughter.

Dangerous Games is the 5th book in the award-winning Wolves Chronicles, but you may enjoy reading the series in any order.

This ebook features an illustrated personal history of Joan Aiken including rare images from the author's estate.

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Generi Bambini e Ragazzi » Narrativa » Narrativa » Horror e fantasmi » Fantasy e magia » Avventura » Avventura

Editore Open Road Media

Formato Ebook con Adobe DRM

Pubblicato 01/12/2015

Lingua Inglese

EAN-13 9781504018821

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Dangerous Games

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