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Dark Mistress: Lessons Learned

A.C. Croom
pubblicato da Damnation Books LLC

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Debra Mason was abducted as a young girl by a sadistic pedophile. He held her captive and through abuse, punishment and isolation, turned her into a mirror image of himselfto a point. Psychiatric treatment and a return to normal life let her grow into a woman little knowing that inside her mind lurked the horror she was doomed to unleash on men of the same ilk as her abuser. Her world disintegrated, her marriage was lost, and everything she had gained shattered as she fell into the deviance she had once escapednow she is lost within it. The lessons she learned at the whim of a madman cast her into the same madness with the power to excite or kill. Twenty five years later she chose to kill.

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Generi Passione e Sentimenti » Letteratura erotica , Romanzi e Letterature » Erotica » Legal, Thriller e Spionaggio , Gialli Noir e Avventura » Legal thriller e thriller politico » Thriller e suspence

Editore Damnation Books Llc

Formato Ebook (senza DRM)

Pubblicato 07/06/2012

Lingua Inglese

EAN-13 9781615727001

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Dark Mistress: Lessons Learned

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