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Darth Paper Strikes Back (Origami Yoda #2) - Tom Angleberger
Darth Paper Strikes Back (Origami Yoda #2) - Tom Angleberger

Darth Paper Strikes Back (Origami Yoda #2)

Tom Angleberger
pubblicato da Abrams

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The second case file of the New York Times bestselling Origami Yoda series from Tom Angleberger!

Not such a long time ago, in a middle school not so far away . . .

. . . Something amazing happened. A weird kid named Dwight made an origami finger puppet of Yoda that gave great advice. Most of the sixth graders were convinced he was using the Force.

But now, a year later, it's a dark time at McQuarrie Middle School. Dwight has been suspended and may be expelled, which means no more Origami Yoda. Even worse, Darth Paper, a puppet created by Dwight's nemesis, Harvey, has taken Yoda's place. He spews insults and evil and just may have been responsible for getting Dwight kicked out. Now the kids of McQuarrie are trying to build a case for keeping Dwight at their school. This is their case file.

Includes instructions for folding your own Origami Yoda.

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Generi Bambini e Ragazzi » Narrativa » Narrativa » Storie da ridere

Editore Abrams

Formato Ebook con Adobe DRM

Pubblicato 07/08/2012

Lingua Inglese

EAN-13 9781613122785

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Darth Paper Strikes Back (Origami Yoda #2)

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