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Death On Blackheath (Thomas Pitt Mystery, Book 29)

Anne Perry
pubblicato da Headline

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Pitt must learn that, sometimes, murder is not the worst betrayal...

Death on Blackheath is a masterful tale of the secrecy and lies hiding just beneath the glittering surface of wealthy Victorian society, featuring Anne Perry's much-loved detective Thomas Pitt. Perfect for fans of C. J. Sansom and Sarah Perry.

'There is a freshness about [Perry's] writing which makes it truly exceptional and I was gripped until the final page. Death on Blackheath was one of the best books I've read this year and I cannot recommend it highly enough' - Eurocrime

Greenwich, 1897. A macabre scene is discovered outside a house on Shooters Hill. There has been a vicious fight, and amid the bloodstains are locks of long auburn hair. Thomas Pitt, head of Special Branch, is called: this is the home of Dudley Kynaston, a minister with access to some of the government's most dangerous secrets, and any inquiry must be handled with utmost discretion. An auburn-haired maid has disappeared from Kynaston's household, but no major crime appears to have taken place. Then a disfigured body is found in the gravel pits nearby. Could this be Kynaston's missing servant? As Pitt begins to investigate, he finds small inconsistencies in Kynaston's story. Are these harmless omissions, or could they lead to something more serious, something that could threaten not just Kynaston's own family but also his Queen and country?

What readers are saying about Death on Blackheath:

'If you're looking for intelligent historical crime fiction with solid characterisation and a good sense of the period, Perry can always be relied upon'

'Death on Blackheath combines her usual lush descriptions that so completely transport the reader into the time period with pacing so remarkably quick, I believe this may be one of Perry's best literary efforts to date'

'[Anne Perry's] books are always gripping and beautifully written'

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Editore Headline

Formato Ebook con Adobe DRM

Pubblicato 12/09/2013

Lingua Inglese

EAN-13 9780755397198

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Death On Blackheath (Thomas Pitt Mystery, Book 29)

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