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Demon, Volume 1

Jason Shiga
pubblicato da First Second

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-12 %

An Eisner Award winner and LA Times Book Prize finalist!

No matter how hard he tries, Jimmy Yee cannot die.

A noose around his neck, a razor across his wrist, and even a bullet to his head all yield the same results: he awakes from each suicide attempt, miraculously unharmed, in his shabby room at the Sunbeam Motel.
Has he gone mad? Or has he truly died and found himself in hell? Jimmy is willing to tear the world down around him to get at the truth. Highly analytical and utterly unscrupulous, he is uniquely suited to unraveling this bizarre mystery.

From the brilliant and profane mind of Jason Shiga, known for his high-concept graphic novels, comes Demon: a four-volume magnum opus about the unspeakable chaos that one indestructible man can unleash on the worldand the astronomical body count he leaves behind.

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Generi Fumetti » Graphic Novel

Editore First Second

Formato Ebook con Adobe DRM

Pubblicato 25/10/2016

Lingua Inglese

EAN-13 9781250145925

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Demon, Volume 1

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