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Diabetes Diet: The 101 Best Diabetic Foods

Health Research Staff
pubblicato da Millwood Media

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Stuck in a meal rut and tired of the same old foods?

If you're someone who is dealing with diabetes, there's no question that you must be paying attention to what you eat each day. The foods you put into your body are going to have a very strong influence on not only how well you feel, but on how well you handle this condition altogether.

By making smart food choices, you can maintain control over your diabetes and live the lifestyle that you want to lead.

The following 101 foods will do just that. We've selected the top picks that you should include in your diet plan regularly so you no longer have to wonder what to eat.

This list is meant to encourage you to broaden your eating choices. This prevents the boredom that many experience by getting stuck on limited diets, and often leads to "cheating" which can have very unhealthy consequences.

These foods are very rich in nutrients and will help you maintain steady blood sugar levels throughout the day. If you eat a wide variety of them on a regular basis throughout the week, you'll be feeding your body right and energizing yourself for all the different activities that you choose to pursue.

Includes a shopping list that conveniently organizes them as you would find them while shopping.

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Generi Salute Benessere Self Help » Alimentazione e Diete

Editore Millwood Media

Formato Ebook (senza DRM)

Pubblicato 06/08/2011

Lingua Inglese

EAN-13 9780983841524

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