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Dialogues Concerning Two New Sciences (Galileo Galilei) [Active Content]

Galileu Galilei
pubblicato da RSM

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Dialogues Concerning Two New Sciences, published in 1638, was Galileo's last book and the scientific testament covering much of his work in physics over the preceding thirty years.

After his Dialogue Concerning the Two Chief World Systems, the Roman Inquisition had banned the publication of any of Galileo's works, including any he might write in the future. After the failure of his initial attempts to publish Two New Sciences in France, Germany, and Poland, it was published by Lodewijk Elzevir who was working in Leiden, South Holland, where the writ of the Inquisition was of less consequence (see House of Elzevir).

Discourses was written in a similar style to Dialogues, in Which three men (Simplicio, Sagredo, and Salviati) discuss and debate the various questions Galileo is seeking to answer. There is a notable change in the men However; Simplicio, in particular, is quite the longer the simple-minded and stubborn an Aristotelian to his name implies. His arguments are representative of Galileo's own early beliefs, the Sagredo Represents his middle period, and Salviati Proposes Galileo's newest models.

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Generi Scienza e Tecnica » Astronomia, Spazio e Tempo » Fisica » Argomenti d'interesse generale » Opere generali

Editore Rsm

Formato Ebook (senza DRM)

Pubblicato 16/11/2015

Lingua Inglese

EAN-13 1230000778398

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Dialogues Concerning Two New Sciences (Galileo Galilei) [Active Content]

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