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Dialogues on the Supersensual Life

Jacob Boehme
pubblicato da GIANLUCA

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Taken from the Preface: "Man has a spark of the Light and Spirit of God, as a supernatural gift of God given into the birth of his Soul to bring forth by degrees a new birth of that life which was lost in Paradise. This holy spark of the Divine Nature within him has a natural, strong, and almost infinite tendency or reaching after that eternal Light and Spirit of God, from whence it came forth. It came forth from God, it came out of God, it partaketh of the Divine Nature, and therefore it is always in a state of tendency and return to God. All this is called the breathing, the moving, the quickening of the Holy Spirit within us, which are so many operations of this spark of life tending towards God. On the other hand the Deity as considered in itself, and without the Soul of man, has an infinite unchangeable tendency of love and desire towards the Soul of man, to unite and communicate its own riches and glories to it, just as the Spirit of the air without Man unites and communicates its riches and virtues to the Spirit of the air that is within Man".

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Generi Religioni e Spiritualità » Altre religioni e fedi » Altre religioni non cristiane

Editore Gianluca

Formato Ebook con Adobe DRM

Pubblicato 11/12/2017

Lingua Inglese

EAN-13 9788827532546

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Dialogues on the Supersensual Life

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