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Docker Unveiled

William Drake
pubblicato da William Drake

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There has never been a more critical demand for speed, consistency, and scalability in the dynamic field of software development. While helpful, traditional approaches may fail when faced with the demands of contemporary applications, leading developers on a never-ending search for improved tools and practices. Presenting Docker: an application packaging, shipping, and running platform that efficiently runs apps as lightweight containers. With its ability to simplify and revolutionize software development and deployment processes, Docker has risen to prominence in the computer sector and is now a vital tool for developers everywhere.

With regard to this innovative technology, "Docker Unveiled: The Comprehensive Handbook to Streamlined Development" seeks to be your go-to resource. This book is designed with developers curious about containerization in mind, as well as newcomers starting their Docker journey. We will examine the fundamental ideas behind containerization, comprehend the basic architecture of Docker, and delve deeply into its extensive feature set.

Come along on this in-depth exploration of the Docker universe, where applications expand effortlessly, deployments are reliable, and development is effective. Welcome to "Docker Unveiled: The Comprehensive Handbook to Streamlined Development."

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Generi Informatica e Web » Linguaggi e Applicazioni » Sistemi operativi

Editore William Drake

Formato Ebook con Adobe DRM

Pubblicato 07/11/2023

Lingua Inglese

EAN-13 9798868979149

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Docker Unveiled

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