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Doctor, Lover, Baronet

Jillian Chantal
pubblicato da Siren-BookStrand

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[BookStrand Contemporary Romance, HEA] Donya Spencer, a busy art gallery manager in London, finds herself battling double vision and dizziness. She doesnt have time to be ill and finds herself battling the national health care system for months. When she finally gets to see a specialist, she finds the man to be sexy, handsome, and very much her type. Knowing there can be no relationship due to medical ethics, she tries to resist his charming manner. Colin Knight is the heir to a baronetcy whose father is pressuring him to marry and have children. This is an impossible task for Colin. Hes also a neurosurgeon who hasnt opened his heart to love since the death of his young girlfriend many years ago. He works hard at the career he pursues relentlessly in an effort to somehow atone for the accident that killed his love. He meets Donya, and the comfortable bachelor life hes made for himself is turned upside down. ** A BookStrand Mainstream Romance

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Generi Passione e Sentimenti » Romanzi rosa , Romanzi e Letterature » Rosa » Romanzi contemporanei

Editore Siren-bookstrand

Formato Ebook con Adobe DRM

Pubblicato 22/01/2013

Lingua Inglese

EAN-13 9781622423415

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Doctor, Lover, Baronet

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