Now a major motion picture starring Ewan McGregor!
From master storyteller Stephen King, his unforgettable and terrifying sequel to The Shiningan instant #1 New York Times bestseller that is "[a] vivid frightscape" (The New York Times).
Years ago, the haunting of the Overlook Hotel nearly broke young Dan Torrance's sanity, as his paranormal gift known as "the shining" opened a door straight into hell. And even though Dan is all grown up, the ghosts of the Overlookand his father's legacy of alcoholism and violencekept him drifting aimlessly for most of his life. Now, Dan has finally found some order in the chaos by working in a local hospice, earning the nickname "Doctor Sleep" by secretly using his special abilities to comfort the dying and prepare them for the afterlife. But when he unexpectedly meets twelve-year-old Abra Stonewho possesses an even more powerful manifestation of the shiningthe two find their lives in sudden jeopardy at the hands of the ageless and murderous nomadic tribe known as the True Knot, reigniting Dan's own demons and summoning him to battle for this young girl's soul and survival...
Dottor sleep è il termine anglesizzato degli sciamani del Sud America.
Quando i due etnobotanici Schultes ed Evans vennero in contatto con il Borrachero, la pianta
allucinogena utilizzata dagli aborigeni della Colombia, vennero a sapere chei i "sogni" indotti da questa pianta (Doctor sleep) inducevano alla follia (ritualistica ed omicida). Oggi, King utilizza questa "pianta degli Dei" amerindi per introdurci in una storia ambientata all'oggi, nel mondo attuale, laddove si è venuta a ricreare una sfinge spichedelica che, tra i suoi tentacoli ritualistici, rapisce ed uccide, in un vortice di follia collettiva, le sue vittime designate con uno scopo ben preciso: il contatto finale con la sfera primordiale della nostra identità antropologica.
giampaflax - 26/03/2013 14:07