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» English » Passione e Sentimenti » Letteratura erotica
Rebecca Lee pubblicato da Rebecca Lee
Donna Casteel is ready to start fresh. She's convinced her high school sweetheart is a loser going nowhere and that she's better than him.
Instead of moving in together, she broke things off and entered college. She quickly catches the eye of the adorable and wealthy Trey Vance.
Can she resist his boyish charms and stay focused on the bright future she envisions for herself?
Her entire future hangs in the balance. Will she continue to pursue her destiny?
"Donna's Passion" is HOT Romance with Mature Situations.
Generi Passione e Sentimenti » Letteratura erotica , Romanzi e Letterature » Erotica
Editore Rebecca Lee
Formato Ebook (senza DRM)
Pubblicato 04/09/2016
Lingua Inglese
EAN-13 9781370823796 9781370823796
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