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Dream Language: The Prophetic Power of Dreams

James W. Goll
pubblicato da Destiny Image, Inc.

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-20 %

After centuries of neglect, the church is rediscovering the realm of dreams and visions as a legitimate avenue for receiving divine revelation. In Dream Language, James W. Goll provides an insightful and helpful handbook to this fascinating and little-known world. Based on extensive study and filled with personal insights from his years of walking in this realm, the author builds a solid framework for how Christians today can receive, understand, interpret and apply dream revelation from the Holy Spirit. Whether you are beginning to walk in this realm already or simply want to understand more about it, Dream Language is the perfect guide.

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Editore Destiny Image, Inc.

Formato Ebook con Adobe DRM

Pubblicato 28/06/2006

Lingua Inglese

EAN-13 9780768499728

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Dream Language: The Prophetic Power of Dreams

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