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Dylan Alcott Game On (Game On, #1)

Dylan Alcott - Fiona Regan
pubblicato da ABC Books

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-10 %

A great middle-grade read for all kids -- fun, funny and relatable. Just like Dylan!

My life so far has been pretty awesome.
At home I've got a great family (sure, even my big brother, Jacob, when he's not being a total pain) and my pet legless lizard, Pogo (she can lick her own eyeballs, really). Then
there are my friends Yusuf and Gemma, and my best mate, Hannah. In between there's coding, shooting hoops and mixing tracks.
Now it's time for something new -- high school.

When old and new friends collide, a teacher called Grumps is on his tail, and the school talent show looks like turning into a real-life drama, twelve-year-old Dylan discovers his family motto has never been more true -- it's not all about you.

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Generi Bambini e Ragazzi » Narrativa » Narrativa » Storie da ridere » Sport » Scuola » Temi personali e sociali » Famiglia, fratelli e relazioni

Editore Abc Books

Formato Ebook con Adobe DRM

Pubblicato 01/12/2024

Lingua Inglese

EAN-13 9781460716885

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Dylan Alcott Game On (Game On, #1)

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