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"Nana Malone's writing Is more addictive than chocolate. Her ability to suck you into a story makes her a powerhouse romance writer To contend with."-#1 NYT Bestselling Author Rachel Van Dyken

My name is East Hale, and these are my confessions.

I might be a member of the Elite, but I'm done being a gentleman.

It's my job to keep Interpol Agent, Nyla Kincaid, away from our operation. If she won't stop, she'll force my hand.

Mark my words. The ferocious agent will bend to my demands. I'm just as ruthless as she is, but unlike her, I don't believe in rules.

I'll keep her distracted even if I have to seduce her myself.

Other Books in the London Lords World

See No Evil

Big Ben

The Benefactor

For Her Benefit

Hear No Evil

East End

East Bound

The Fall of East

Dettagli down

Generi Romanzi e letteratura » Rosa » Contemporanei

Editore Sankofa Girl

Formato Ebook con Adobe DRM

Pubblicato 20/10/2020

Lingua Inglese

EAN-13 1230004017684

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East End

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