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Easy Weight Loss With EFT: Secrets of Tapping The Pounds Off

Health Research Staff
pubblicato da millwoodmedia

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It's Not About What You Eat -- It's WHY You Eat What You Eat

You're doing well on a diet, then something traumatic happens or you have a stressful day, and you find yourself turning to food for comfort.

Invariably you don't choose a healthy salad or protein shake to get through your difficult time. Rather, you wolf down cookies, cake, potato chips, or any other food instead of confronting the problem that's causing you to overeat.

Everyone's been there. But some people have a hard time breaking out of the pattern of using food as a comfort cushion. The sugar and carbohydrates you consume during times of emotional duress have a drug-like effect on your brain, and make it difficult to stop.

When your relationship with food becomes dysfunctional, it's time to look beyond the 17-day, grapefruit, or low-carb diets, and look inside yourself. The techniques your friends use to successfully lose weight probably won't work for you, because they don't tackle the emotional factors that cause you to eat and subsequently fail every diet you try.

Of course losing weight can be challenging. But when you add stress, depression, anxiety, and other emotional factors to the mix, it can seem nothing short of impossible. When your emotions rule your eating choices, your mind will sabotage your body.

What's worse, being overweight and having a negative body image can lead to more stress and depression, thereby creating a vicious cycle with yo-yo and fad dieting that can cause more weight gain. Unless you address the underlying problems at the root of your unhealthy relationship with food, you'll stay on a merry-go-round that will spin out of control. But it is possible to break the seemingly endless cycle of stress, overeating, weight gain, and depression.

In order to win the battle of the bulge, you must wage war on the emotional problems that are keeping you from losing weight. Once you learn how to recognize, confront, and eliminate the emotional issues that can lead to overeating and keep you from living a healthy lifestyle, you can shed the pounds and live life as a healthy, happy individual.

Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT) weight loss is about freeing yourself from emotions that cripple your desire to lose weight. The process is simple to implement, yet advanced in its results and ability to address your problems from the inside out. If you have tried to lose weight and failed because you turned to food as a crutch in times of emotional duress, EFT weight loss is the solution to solve your unhealthy eating habits once and for all.

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Generi Salute Benessere Self Help » Alimentazione e Diete

Editore Millwoodmedia

Formato Ebook (senza DRM)

Pubblicato 07/10/2012

Lingua Inglese

EAN-13 9781937918675

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Easy Weight Loss With EFT: Secrets of Tapping The Pounds Off

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