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The New York Times bestseller Eat and Run is "the inspiring story of an inspired man. Scott Jurek's phenomenal success as an ultra-marathoner demonstrates that meat and other animal foods are not necessary for optimum health, strength, and endurance."Andrew Weil, #1 New York Times bestelling author of Spontaneous Happiness

For nearly two decades, Scott Jurek has been a dominant force and darling in the grueling and growing sport of ultrarunning. He held the American 24-hour record and he was one of the elite runners profiled in the runaway bestseller Born to Run. In Eat and Run, Jurek opens up about his life and career as a champion athlete with a plant-based diet and inspires runners at every level.

From his Midwestern childhood hunting, fishing, and cooking for his meat-and-potatoes family to his slow transition to ultrarunning and veganism, Scott's story shows the power of an iron will and blows apart the stereotypes of what athletes should eat to fuel optimal performance. Full of stories of competition as well as science and practical advice including his own recipes Eat and Run will motivate readers and expand their food horizons.

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Generi Sport » Fitness, Ginnastica , Salute Benessere Self Help » Alimentazione e Diete

Editore Harpercollins

Formato Ebook con Adobe DRM

Pubblicato 05/06/2012

Lingua Inglese

EAN-13 9780547722078

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Eat & Run

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