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Eaters Of The Dead - Michael Crichton
Eaters Of The Dead - Michael Crichton

Eaters Of The Dead

Michael Crichton
pubblicato da Cornerstone

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37 punti carta PAYBACK
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Whilst on a mission up the Volga, a representative of the ruler of Baghdad meets a Viking chieftain who has been summoned back to Scandinavia by his besieged relatives. The two men journey together northwards to engage in mortal combat with the dark, hairy brutes who threaten to empty the land.

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Generi Literature & Fiction » Historical Fiction

Editore Cornerstone

Formato Paperback / softback

Pubblicato 16/10/1997

Pagine 208

Lingua Inglese

Isbn o codice id 9780099222828

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Eaters Of The Dead

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