Educating Children Outdoorsis a resource for educators interested in spending extended periods of time in nature with their students. Bringing over two decades of experience working outdoors with teachers and students, Amy Butler offers curricular guidance on nature-based lessons that align with K12 education standards and build on the innate curiosity and wonder children have for the natural world.
This book will help the educator:
- Learn successful routines and practices to make learning outdoors safe and engaging
- Understand protocols for real and risky play
- Draw inspiration from real-life stories from other teachers about learning in nature
- Meet NGSS and Common Core standards outdoors with seasonal lessons that are child-centered
- Be part of the movement to support children in becoming reconnected with the natural world and the places they call home
With twenty-five lessons in five units of study spread out across a seasonal school year and appendixes that offer templates for learning, Educating Children Outdoors is essential for educators looking to harvest the benefits of a nature-based curriculum.