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After six years away from his pack, Emmitt realizes he has no idea what he wants from life. His parents want him to lead the pack, and the Elders expect him to further integrate his people into human society. His reluctance to take on the demanding responsibility of leadership has him dragging his feet to return home.

Finding his Mate changes everything. Michelle's shy and beautiful and on the run. She needs somewhere to stay and someone to take care of her. Suddenly, responsibility doesn't seem like such a burden to Emmitt. He'll do whatever it takes to earn her trust and keep her safe...even from one of his own kind.

Note: This is book 2 of the Judgement of the Six Companion series. If you haven't read the Judgement of the Six series yet, check out Hope(less) for free!

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Editore Melissa Haag

Formato Ebook (senza DRM)

Pubblicato 24/05/2016

Lingua Inglese

EAN-13 9781943051915

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