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Enchanted Forest Friends, The - Kelly Johnson
Enchanted Forest Friends, The - Kelly Johnson

Audiolibro Enchanted Forest Friends, The

Kelly Johnson
pubblicato da Kelly Johnson

Prezzo online:

In the heart of the Enchanted Forest, where ancient trees whispered secrets to the wind and magical creatures hummed melodies, lived lifelong friends Oliver Owl, Penelope Fox, Timothy Turtle, and Luna Rabbit. Each possessed unique qualitieswisdom, cleverness, patience, and agilitythat bound them together like roots of the tallest oak. One bright morning, they embarked on a quest to discover the legendary Glowflower Clearing beyond Whispering Grove. Their journey through sun-dappled glades and encounters with forest creatures led them to a serene clearing aglow with flowers pulsating under moonlight. Mesmerized by its beauty, they danced, sang, and shared tales under the enchanted canopy, forging memories that deepened their bond and sparked a vow to continue exploring their magical home, the Enchanted Forest.

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Generi Romanzi e Letterature » Fantasy , Fantasy Horror e Gothic » Fantasy

Editore Kelly Johnson

Formato Audiolibro

Durata 00:07.29

Pubblicato 22/07/2024

Lingua Inglese

EAN-13 9798882327995

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Enchanted Forest Friends, The

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