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Encyclopaedia Indica India-Pakistan-Bangladesh (Karnataka)

S.S. Shashi
pubblicato da Arts & Science Academic Publishing

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Encyclopaedia lndica is a monumental work by reputed authors which highlights all aspects of lndian History and Culture in the light of modern knowledge in its pristine vigour. This provides elaborate discussion of science, history, philosophy and religion, art and architecture, rural wonders and urban glories, social, economic and political history starting from lndus Valley Civilization to contemporary Modern lndia. Vols. 1-10 describes lndus Valley Civilization, Stone Culture, Development of Aryan Civilization and Vedic Religions and Rituals, Vols. 11-20 are devoted to Vedic Language and Literature, four Vedas, Upanishads, Brahmanas, Aranykas and Dharmasastras while Vols.21-35 contain authoritative information on Ramayana, Mahabharata, Gita, Jainism, Buddhism and Puranas, Vols.36-50 concentrates on different dynasties after the Greek lnvasion on lndia viz. Mauryas, Guptas, Kushanas, Rajputs and Advent of lslam in lndia, etc. Vols. 51-70 provide encyclopaedic information on Rajputs, Rise of Marathas and Mughal period till its downfall, Vols. 71-90 impart valuable information on Goa, South lndia, Major Dynasties of Ancient Orissa, Ancient Bihar, Ancient Gujarat and Ancient Punjab, Vols. 91-110 are devoted to indepth study of Ancient Ladakh, Ancient Himachal Pradesh, Karnataka, Ancient and Medieval Rajasthan, Kerala and Malabar, while Vols. 111-130 focus on indepth study of Karnataka, Tamil Nadu and Assam, Vols. 131-150 & 151-170 are on Meghalaya, Marathas, Rise of British Power in lndia, Freedom Movement, Freedom Fighters, Role of Various Political Organisation, lndian Renaissance and Princely States in Colonial lndia, Vols. 171-173 focuses on lndias subsequent War with China and Pakistan, Yols.174-178 is all about lndias Five Year Plans, Vols. 179-195 describes Economics Policies, Great Political Personalities of Post-Colonial Era and Concurrent Development in lndia, Pakistan & Bangladesh and Vols.196-200 covers index to the entire Vols.

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Editore Arts & Science Academic Publishing

Formato Ebook con Adobe DRM

Pubblicato 30/06/2003

Lingua Inglese

EAN-13 9789390363308

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Encyclopaedia Indica India-Pakistan-Bangladesh (Karnataka)

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