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Encyclopedia Of World War II (Wwii) Battles (Mobi History)

pubblicato da MobileReference

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Learn more about World War II Battles - whether you are preparing for the History Test, a college final, or even if you simply desire to learn more about world history. Over 400 articles carefully checked for accuracy and completeness by a team of experts. Over 1,000 photographs. The Encyclopedia articles are based on Wikipedia.TABLE OF CONTENTS: Timeline of World War IIBattles of 1939Battles of 1940Battles of 1941Battles of 1942Battles of 1943Battles of 1944Battles of 1945Appendix - Winter War, Second Sino-Japanese War Battles of 1941 Battle of South Henan - Chinese Nationalists led by Li Zongren defeat Japanese. Battle of Shanggao (March 14 - April 9) - Chinese victory. Battle of Cape Matapan March 28 - British Royal Navy task force defeats Italian fleet. Battle of Greece (April 6 - April 24) - Germany takes the Balkan Peninsula after Italian Stalemate. Battle of South Shanxi (May 7 - May 27) - Japanese victory in China. Battle of Denmark Strait May 23 - Bismarck sinks HMS Hood Sinking of the Bismarck May 27 - Famous German Battleship is lost. Battle of Crete May 20 - June 1 - German paratroopers capture Crete, suffer many casualties. Operation Barbarossa June 22 - German invasion of the Soviet Union Armaments

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Editore Mobilereference

Formato Ebook con Adobe DRM

Pubblicato 01/01/2010

Lingua Inglese

EAN-13 9781605011554

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