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Alexander Kinglake
pubblicato da Eland Publishing

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-10 %

One of the most witty and idiosyncratic travel books, Eothen started out as a few notes scribbled on the back of a map for a friend, but took Kinglake seven years of painstaking work to finesse. The physical details of the journey, undertaken in 1834 through Turkey, Cyprus, the Holy Land, Cairo and Damascus, are barely mentioned. The infectious charm lies in the conversations, the whimsical chance encounters and the attitudes of the author. Over the years, Kinglake has been recognised as a stylist without equal.

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Generi Guide turistiche e Viaggi » Guide turistiche » Europa

Editore Eland Publishing

Formato Ebook con Adobe DRM

Pubblicato 07/06/2024

Lingua Inglese

EAN-13 9781780601854

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