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Evaluating e-Learning

Rob Phillips - Carmel McNaught - Gregor Kennedy
pubblicato da Taylor & Francis

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How can novice e-learning researchers and postgraduate learners develop rigorous plans to study the effectiveness of technology-enhanced learning environments? How can practitioners gather and portray evidence of the impact of e-learning? How can the average educator who teaches online, without experience in evaluating emerging technologies, build on what is successful and modify what is not?

By unpacking the e-learning lifecycle and focusing on learning, not technology, Evaluating e-Learning attempts to resolve some of the complexity inherent in evaluating the effectiveness of e-learning. The book presents practical advice in the form of an evaluation framework and a scaffolded approach to an e-learning research study, using divide-and-conquer techniques to reduce complexity in both design and delivery. It adapts and builds on familiar research methodology to offer a robust and accessible approach that can ensure effective evaluation of a wide range of innovative initiatives, including those covered in other books in the Connecting with e-Learning series.

Readers will find this jargon-free guide is a must-have resource that provides the proper tools for evaluating e-learning practices with ease.

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Generi Famiglia Scuola e Università » Educazione, Scuola e Università

Editore Taylor & Francis

Formato Ebook con Adobe DRM

Pubblicato 22/03/2012

Lingua Inglese

EAN-13 9781136699511

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Evaluating e-Learning

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