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Explodapedia: The Cell

Ben Martynoga
pubblicato da David Fickling Books

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Highly commended at the Association for Science Education Book of the Year Awards 2023!Cells are alive, and they're what life is made of. Four billion years ago a single cell kickstarted all life on Earth. Today, your body is made up of over 30 trillion cells - every one of which is teeming with activity.Packed with up-to-the-minute science, The Cell confronts the biggest mysteries of the microscopic marvels that sustain the living world. Can cells save our planet next?Explode your knowledge about cells, with the EXPLODAPEDIA!

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Editore David Fickling Books

Formato Ebook con Adobe DRM

Pubblicato 06/04/2023

Lingua Inglese

EAN-13 9781788452489

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Explodapedia: The Cell

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