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Exploring the Story of the Titanic

Sarah Michaels
pubblicato da SL Editions

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Step into the world of the Titanic, the "unsinkable" ship that captured the imagination of a generation and became one of the most famous stories in history.

This book brings the incredible story of the Titanic to life for young readers, offering a fascinating journey from the ship's creation to its ill-fated voyage. Explore the grandeur of the ship's design, meet the passengers and crew who sailed aboard her, and uncover the mysteries of the iceberg that changed everything.

Through vivid storytelling, this book dives into the moments of courage and resilience that defined the tragedy, the lessons learned from the disaster, and the ongoing fascination with the Titanic's legacy.

Packed with facts, timelines, and intriguing details, this is more than a history book-it's an invitation to imagine, learn, and reflect. Whether you're captivated by the engineering marvels of the Titanic, inspired by its tales of heroism, or curious about its enduring impact, this book offers an engaging exploration of one of history's most unforgettable events.

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Editore Sl Editions

Formato Ebook con Adobe DRM

Pubblicato 30/12/2024

Lingua Inglese

EAN-13 9798348270001

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Exploring the Story of the Titanic

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