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Greg MacArthur
pubblicato da Coach House Books

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-12 %

Expose yourself to one of the most original new voices in theatre with this collection of two uncompromising plays by Greg MacArthur.

Snowman: After years of wandering, Denver and Marjorie find themselves in a remote northern community at the edge of a glacier, chopping wood, renting out stolen videos and doing cocaine with Jude, a young gay man whose parents have abandoned him. When Jude discovers the body of a prehistoric boyfrozen in the glacier, everyone finds their lives beginning to shift and thaw in unexpected ways.

girls! girls! girls!: Splitz deserved to win. Missy stole first place. Set in the cutthroat world of high school gymnastics, this play follows the Friday-night exploits of four teenage chums as they seek revenge for a loss on the vaulting horse. Told in a hypnotic, rap-meets-nursery-rhymes style, this play, which takes its cue from A Clockwork Orange and the Columbine massacre, is brutally violent as it explores what happens when emptiness becomes the norm.

Exposure includes an introduction by Peter Hinton.

'For truly provocative theatre from a new voice, go see Snowman it's loopy, quirky and beautifully done.'


'[girls! girls! girls! is] wondrous, scary and heartbreaking.'

Montreal Mirror

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Generi Cinema e Spettacolo » Teatro » Testi e critica letteraria

Editore Coach House Books

Formato Ebook con Adobe DRM

Pubblicato 11/03/2005

Lingua Inglese

EAN-13 9781770560529

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