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Eyes of the World

Marc Aronson - Marina Budhos
pubblicato da Henry Holt and Co.

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A multilayered biography of two Jewish photographers who helped bring about modern photojournalism during the Spanish Civil War.

Robert Capa and Gerda Taro were young Jewish refugees, idealistic and in love. As photographers, they set off to capture their generation's most important strugglethe fight against Fascism. Among the first to depict modern warfare, Capa and Taro took powerful photographs of the Spanish Civil War that went straight from the devastation to news magazines. In so doing, they helped give birth to the idea of "bearing witness" through technology to bring home tragedies from across the world.

Packed with dramatic photos, posters, and maps, this compelling book captures the fascinating story of how photojournalism began . . .

This thoroughly-researched and documented book can be worked into multiple aspects of the common core curriculum.

Praise for Eyes of the World

"A fascinating look at the evolution of photojournalism. . . . Readers not only get a strong sense of who these photographers were as people, they will understand what made their pictures so special. Thoroughly researched and cited, the text offers a unique perspective." Booklist, starred review

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Editore Henry Holt And Co.

Formato Ebook con Adobe DRM

Pubblicato 28/03/2017

Lingua Inglese

EAN-13 9781250109675

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Eyes of the World

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