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FDR and the New Deal For Beginners

Paul Buhle
pubblicato da For Beginners

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-19 %

A profusely illustrated, popularly-written volume with original comic art, FDR and the New Deal For Beginners will shed new light upon a story now regaining visibility thanks to the recent economic crisis and prominent reformer, President Obama, in the White House.

The history of the precedent-making FDR administration through the bitter economic depression, with expansive programs empowering artists and working people, comes alive as the grandest social experiment in the history of American democracy. For the first time, the lives of the president, the first lady and the ordinary people of the time will be seen through an inventive comic narrative accompanying historic illustrations and a sympathetic but not uncritical text.

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Generi Storia e Biografie » Storia delle Americhe

Editore For Beginners

Formato Ebook con Adobe DRM

Pubblicato 20/07/2010

Lingua Inglese

EAN-13 9781934389584

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FDR and the New Deal For Beginners

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