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Fair Game

Josh Lanyon
pubblicato da Carina Press

Prezzo online:
-10 %

A crippling knee injury forced Elliot Mills to trade in his FBI badge for dusty chalkboards and bored college students. Now a history professor at Puget Sound university, the former agent has put his old life behind him-but it seems his old life isn't finished with him.

A young man has gone missing from campus-and as a favor to a family friend, Elliot agrees to do a little sniffing around. His investigations bring him face-to-face with his former lover, Tucker Lance, the special agent handling the case.

Things ended badly with Tucker, and neither man is ready to back down on the fight that drove them apart. But they have to figure out a way to move beyond their past and work together as more men go missing and Elliot becomes the target in a killer's obsessive game...

69,000 words

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Generi Romanzi e Letterature » Rosa » Romanzi contemporanei

Editore Carina Press

Formato Ebook (senza DRM)

Pubblicato 01/08/2010

Lingua Inglese

EAN-13 9781426890451

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Fair Game

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