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Falcon Quinn and the Crimson Vapor

Jennifer Finney Boylan
pubblicato da HarperCollins

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Falcon Quinn survived the first term at the Academy for Monsters along with his monstrous friends Max, Pearl, Mortia, and the rest. He has finally discovered his monster nature and is working hard to embrace it. But what does it mean to be an Angel, exactly? Having wings is great, when Falcon can remember to use them, but with parents who are the leaders of two warring groupsthe monsters and the guardiansFalcon still feels torn in half.

When his monster friends begin to doubt his loyalty to the monster world and his only option is flight to Guardian Island, where his mother rules and he is a prince, he'll see the guardians as well as his monster friends in a whole new light. He will also have to decide if Jonny Frankenstein can be trusted and find a way to save his friend Megan from her imprisonment on Guardian Island, not to mention find a way to stop the monsters and guardians from fighting, once and for all.

Bestselling author Jennifer Finney Boylan continues the heroic and often hilarious tale of Falcon Quinn and his band of monster friends in this second installment of the hair-raising and sidesplitting adventure of monstrous proportions.

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Editore Harpercollins

Formato Ebook con Adobe DRM

Pubblicato 10/05/2011

Lingua Inglese

EAN-13 9780062077042

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Falcon Quinn and the Crimson Vapor

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