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Fart Quest: The Troll's Toe Cheese

Aaron Reynolds
pubblicato da Roaring Brook Press

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-10 %

"If you love fantasy, funny humor, flatulence, and friends, then Aaron Reynolds has written the perfect book for you!" DAN SANTAT, author of The Aquanut, Sidekicks, and The Adventures of Beekle

Fart Quest: The Troll's Toe Cheese is the fourth book in a hilarious Dungeons & Dragons inspired series by New York Times bestselling author Aaron Reynolds.

They've destroyed an evil creature with stink gas, collected barf from a truly hideous monster, and dug through a dragon's dookie for magical treasure. Now, Fart, Pan, Moxie, and TickTock are facing their scariest challenge yetan angry mom!

The Great and Powerful Kevin has promised Pan, who lost her mother when she was a baby, that she could see her mom one last time. But instead, shes sees a distorted spirit of her mother, transformed into an evil creature bent on revenge against those who caused her death.

Meanwhile, some new information comes to light, and Fart and friends head out on a rescue mission. Deep within the goblin caves, they search for evidence of their long lost masters, facing goblins, fire rats, floor fiends, and a troll with some seriously disgusting toenails along the way.

In this epic addition to the Fart Quest series, our adventurers discover that a true hero is not measured in the sum of their mistakesbut in the difference they make in spite of them.

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Generi Fantasy Horror e Gothic » Fantasy per bambini e ragazzi , Bambini e Ragazzi » Narrativa » Fantasy e magia » Storie da ridere

Editore Roaring Brook Press

Formato Ebook con Adobe DRM

Pubblicato 20/09/2022

Lingua Inglese

EAN-13 9781250206473

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Fart Quest: The Troll

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