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the Sydney to Hobart yacht race is one of the world's major sporting events. In 1998, it became one of the world's major sporting disasters. Six sailors tragically perished and numerous yachts sank or were badly damaged. the subsequent search and rescue operation was one of the most phenomenally accomplished peacetime effortsthe world has ever seen. In this fully updated edition to mark the 10th anniversary of the tumultuous race, Rob Mundle, one of Australia's leading journalists and yachtsmen, tells this story of challenge and survival with compassion, vigour and understanding. Drawing from extensive interviews with officials, crews, survivors and rescue service personnel, he relates like no other the calamity and triumph of the 1998 blue water classic. 'Mundle's portrayals of courageous sailors and heroic rescuers fighting for their lives are as vivid as any I have read.'- John Rousmaniere, author Fastnet, Force 10

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Editore Harpersports

Formato Ebook con Adobe DRM

Pubblicato 01/04/2010

Lingua Inglese

EAN-13 9780730445142

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Fatal Storm

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