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Fates: I Bring the Fire Part IV

C. Gockel
pubblicato da C. Gockel

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The Leader Who Rules Chaos, Rules the Realms

Two years ago, Loki, God of Mischief, Chaos, and Lies, destroyed a large chunk of Chicago's financial district and then vanished into thin air. He still has not been found. Odin, ruler of the Nine Realms, is desperate to find him. He sends his son Thor-the one man he believes can succeed-on a dangerous quest to consult the all-seeing Norns. But Thor needs humanity's help...

Loki's former lover, veterinarian Amy Lewis, is carrying all of Loki's memories-but missing some of her own. Hoping to keep Loki from Odin's machinationsand secretly wanting to see the father of the child she lost, she agrees to help Thor on his quest.

Bohdi Patel's memory was wiped by Loki's mischief. He thinks Amy and Thor are both crazy to want anything to do with Loki. But he needs to find his parents, and he's been told the Norns will answer any question-for a price.

When Chaos is the goal, only one thing is certain: Amy and Bohdi are about to get into worlds of mischief.

I Bring the Fire Part I: Wolves (Free ebook)
Monsters: I Bring the Fire Part II
Chaos: I Bring the Fire Part III
In the Balance: An I Bring the Fire Novella
Fates: I Bring the Fire Part IV
The Slip: A Short Story
Warriors: I Bring the Fire Part V

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Generi Romanzi e Letterature » Fantasy » Romanzi contemporanei

Editore C. Gockel

Formato Ebook (senza DRM)

Pubblicato 11/09/2015

Lingua Inglese

EAN-13 9781310047923

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Fates: I Bring the Fire Part IV

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