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Financial Freedom With Real Estate: Start Making Money Today Because Everyone Else Is: 3 Simple Ways That Even Your Kids Can Do It

Michael Steven
pubblicato da USA Publishing Hub

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If you want to stop relying on your day job and have the freedom to pursue your dreams, keep reading.

Do you feel stuck in a job you dislike, slaving away from 9 to 5 because you don't have any other income and fear not having enough to get by? Do you wish for the flexibility to spend more time with family, travel, or work on personal projects? Are you looking to increase your income and build wealth without spending much upfront, all while keeping your day job?

If you answered "yes" to any of these questions, consider investing in real estate as a way to achieve financial freedom.

Real estate is one of the safest and most reliable ways to build wealth, according to Forbes. Andrew Carnegie once said, "90% of millionaires become so by investing in real estate." Even millennials recognize this; the average millennial millionaire owns three properties.

You may be thinking, "I don't have millions to invest in real estate!" The truth is, you don't need to be a millionaire to get started. Many successful investors, including Arnold Schwarzenegger, started with small investments. He used his bodybuilding savings to invest in real estate, eventually making his first million. Real estate did that, not acting.

By saving just 7% of your paycheck for a down payment, you can begin investing in real estate and start building wealth.

Financial Freedom with Real Estate is a straightforward guide that helps you understand how wealth creation works in real estate, even without millions of dollars.

In this book, you will discover:

  • How to replace your salary with rental income, freeing you from the 9 to 5 grind.
  • Why millionaires like Barbara Corcoran say real estate is one of the best investments.
  • A step-by-step guide to your first real estate investment.
  • 6 essential formulas you need to master to make money.
  • How to buy your first investment property, even with little money.
  • The secret to saving money by owning real estate.
  • A lease arrangement most investors overlook that can yield higher returns.
  • 3 simple ways to grow your investment portfolio exponentially.

Free bonus: A checklist for choosing the best property to invest in.

The COVID-19 pandemic showed how expendable employees are during a crisis. 64% of Americans don't have enough for retirement and will have to keep working past 60. Do you want to be one of them?

Start your journey towards financial freedom today.

If you're ready to earn passive income through real estate in a simple, easy-to-follow way, click "Add to Cart" now.

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Generi Economia Diritto e Lavoro » Finanza e Contabilità » Proprietà immobiliari e beni immobili » Management » Tecniche di management » Finanze personali e Investimenti

Editore Usa Publishing Hub

Formato Ebook con Adobe DRM

Pubblicato 01/01/2025

Lingua Inglese

EAN-13 9781966212027

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Financial Freedom With Real Estate: Start Making Money Today Because Everyone Else Is: 3 Simple Ways That Even Your Kids Can Do It

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