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Fireproof Your Life - Michael Catt
Fireproof Your Life - Michael Catt

Audiolibro Fireproof Your Life

Michael Catt
pubblicato da Brilliance Audio

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Building a Faith that Survives the Flames!

Michael Catt shows how, like the great sequoia, we can stand strong through the fiery trials of life, and even be fruitful.

Using illustrations from his own life and from the new movie, Fireproof (produced by his congregation, Sherwood Baptist Church), Catt shows eight ways we can prepare our lives for the trials that inevitably come our way.

Discussing practical issues such as temptation, marriage and finances, he reminds us that in an eroding culture we are called to stand firm in our faith. Rather than succumb to the pressure of circumstances, we can stand tall and face our challenges in Christ's power.

Life's trials can overcome usor they can serve us, growing us into the mature, life-giving believers God intends.

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Generi Religioni e Spiritualità » Fede, politica e società » Religione, argomenti generali

Editore Brilliance Audio

Formato Audiolibro

Durata 03:54.00

Pubblicato 24/08/2010

Lingua Inglese

EAN-13 9781441872289

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Fireproof Your Life

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