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Fishes & Dishes

Kiyo Marsh - Tomi Marsh - Laura Cooper
pubblicato da Epicenter Press Inc.

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Fishes and Dishes is a seafood cookbook featuring commercial fisherwomen in Alaska. Their personal stories are both funny and harrowing. The recipes are a blend of Pacific Rim fusion cooking with lots of delicious, fresh Asian flavors, as well as twists on old favorites, such as salmon noodle casserole and seafood enchiladas. Yet, the recipes, tested in the galleys of fishing vessels, are simple and uncomplicated using easy to find ingredients. Interspersed are photo, illustrations, information on seafood sustainability and many useful tips such as how to picke the freshest fish and the easy way to de-beard mussels.

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Generi Gastronomia » Ricette » Pesce e frutti di mare

Editore Epicenter Press Inc.

Formato Ebook con Adobe DRM

Pubblicato 30/03/2022

Lingua Inglese

EAN-13 9781684920341

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Fishes & Dishes

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