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Five Nights at Freddy's: Tales From the Pizzaplex #3: Somniphobia - Scott Cawthon - Kelly Parra - Andrea Waggener
Five Nights at Freddy's: Tales From the Pizzaplex #3: Somniphobia - Scott Cawthon - Kelly Parra - Andrea Waggener

Audiolibro Five Nights at Freddy's: Tales From the Pizzaplex #3: Somniphobia

Scott Cawthon - Kelly Parra - Andrea Waggener
pubblicato da Scholastic Inc.

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Five Nights at Freddy's fans won't want to miss this collection of three chilling stories that will haunt even the bravest FNAF player...

What are you running from? . . . Sam is afraid of just about anything and everything that's unhealthy ever since his father died . . . Something about the Springtrap costume in the roleplaying area of Freddy Fazbears Mega Pizzaplex chills Luca to the core . . . And Grady's fear of being trapped in small spaces makes working as a Pizzaplex technician extremely challenging. But in the world of Five Nights at Freddy's, our deepest fears have a way of chasing us . . .

In this third volume, Five Nights at Freddy's creator Scott Cawthon spins three sinister novella-length tales from uncharted corners of his series' canon.

Readers beware: This collection of terrifying tales is enough to rattle even the most hardened Five Nights at Freddy's fans.

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Editore Scholastic Inc.

Formato Audiolibro

Durata 06:44.21

Pubblicato 06/12/2022

Lingua Inglese

EAN-13 9781338876079

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Five Nights at Freddy

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